Monday, August 24, 2015

Nvidia GameStream Co-Op Allow Users To Play Games Together Just Like Sony's Share Play

Nvidia has recently revealed some major changes coming to Nvidia Geforce Experience. There will be now a GameStream co-op, which will work same as Sony's Share Play feature on PlayStation 4. GameStream basically allow users to stream a game from their PC to another PC over the internet, so both users can play the game cooperatively using just a single copy.

Much like Sony's Share Play, GameStream comes with three different modes depending on what you need. The first is standard game streaming so you can view a friend playing the game. The second allows the guest user to take control of the host PC and play the game. And third option which is straight co-op play for games.

Initially GameStream will be limited to just 720p resolution at 60 fps. You'll need a Geforce GTX 650 or up on the host PC and a minimum of 7Mbps upload for a good experience.